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From the desk of our chief Hummingbird Pie-maker: 
​how our game-changing first design was born


Victoria Lister explains what motivated her to design and produce a new kind of underpant for women – Longerpants


Ladies, a confession: I’m a regular-sized woman but, like many of us, I don’t have thigh gap. This has meant I’ve avoided wearing skirts and dresses in summer – without a protective barrier (pants, leggings, stockings) my legs are prone to chafing.

Actually, a second confession: my thighs are a bit wobbly – a state of affairs that compounds the first problem by causing additional discomfort, especially when walking. I suspect other generously-proportioned women will know exactly what I mean, and share my frustration in wanting to express their femaleness with a breezy, gorgeously feminine dress or skirt… but not feeling comfortable to do so. I looked around for a solution – a pant with a long leg that would gently cover and support the thigh – but found only shapewear (heavy, tight and far too hot) and bike pants (too sporty, and way too much Lycra). Moreover, neither of these garments were underpants – I wanted something that served a dual purpose. So, with the initial support of a seamstress friend, I decided to design my own.

As I sampled fabrics and considered the design, I knew these pants needed to:

  • be super-soft – especially on sensitive skin

  • be snug and cosy but not be restrictive

  • retain their shape but not be tight

  • provide gentle support to this lovely, tender part of my body

  • hold me physically, allowing me to wear whatever I wanted with ease

  • be respectful of the delicate area they would cover, and

  • be cool enough for Australian summers.


During this phase it occurred to me this was to be more than a personal project: this new style of pant would benefit many women. And so the project blossomed and a whole new category of ladies’ underwear was born: enter the Hummingbird Pie Longerpants – an underpant game changer!

I also met and talked with fabric and label suppliers, my lovely patternmaker and manufacturer, and listened to the wonderful ladies who’ve been my testers. Through this latter group in particular I learnt it wasn't only larger-thighed ladies who appreciate the Longerpants – one younger woman wears them to school as a kind of modern take on the bloomer; slimmer ladies adore the extra coverage under a short skirt or dress; older ladies love them as well. And since we opened for business in 2015, we've found younger girls and pregnant and plus-sized women love them too.
Based on their success we now have the Boyleg Brief and our very own Luxe Leggings. The Briefs are great under jeans and long pants when you don't need Longerpants (though in cold climates they're a snug extra layer). The Leggings are incredibly comfortable – so much so I often end up wearing them from the gym into the day and have forgotten about wearing skirts! I actually team them with my Longerpants to avoid the 'cellulite show through' that can occur with close-fitting garments, and for extra hold. I love this combination, and love walking around without feeling self-conscious about my legs.


In ‘short’ (pun very much intended!) these awesome items are the bee's knees. I’m looking forward to exploring where we go next with Hummingbird Pie and to bringing you so much more. There’s plenty in the pipeline!
With tender regards,
Victoria Lister
Hummingbird Pie Founder

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